100 Days To Offload

Can you publish 100 posts on your blog in a year?

🎉 Hall of Fame 🎉

The whole point of #100DaysToOffload is to challenge you to publish 100 posts on your personal blog in a year.

Posts don’t need to be long-form, deep, meaningful, or even that well written. If there are spelling and grammar mistakes, or even if there’s no real point to the post, so what? What’s important is that you’re writing about the things you want to write about.

Your posts could be how-to guides, or links to another post you have found interesting. They could include your own thoughts about that post, or a response to it. It could be a simple update about what you have done that day. Tell us about your dog, your cat, your fish tank, or whatever hobbies you have. Someone will find it interesting.

Just. Write.


There are some simple and reasonable guidelines if you want to take part in #100DaysToOffload:

Finding Other Participants

It’s important to ensure you include the #100DaysToOffload hashtag in all your posts. This is so they’re included in social media channels and get the visibility they deserve from the other people taking part.

The links below will take you to the #100DaysToOffload hashtag feeds for various social sites so you can discover other people taking part. If there is a social feed missing, please let me know.

🎉 Hall of fame 🎉

This section of the site is reserved for those very special people who have completed #100DaysToOffload.

If you have completed the challenge, please drop me an email or submit a pull request on GitHub and I will add you to the list below.

Name: Lou Plummer
Website: https://louplummer.lol
Date completed: September 2024

Name: Michał Sapka
Website: https://michal.sapka.me
Date completed: July 2024

Name: Dan Q (x5!)
Website: https://danq.me
Date completed: July 2024

Name: Stefan Alfbo
Website: https://dev.to/stefanalfbo
Date completed: June 2024

Name: Juha-Matti Santala
Website: https://hamatti.org/blog
Date completed: February 2024

Name: Kev Quirk
Website: https://kevquirk.com
Date completed: February 2024

Name: Clayton Errington
Website: https://claytonerrington.com
Date completed: December 2023

Name: Joel García (x2)
Website: https://joelchrono.xyz
Date completed: December 2023

Name: Garrit Franke
Website: https://garrit.xyz
Date completed: December 2023

Name: Mahmud Ridwan
Website: https://hjr265.me
Date completed: November 2023

Name: Jackson Chen
Website: https://jacksonchen666.com
Date completed: October 2023

Name: Dan Q (×4)
Website: https://danq.me
Date completed: August 2023

Name: Fredrik Björeman
Website: https://www.bjoreman.com
Date completed: August 2023

Name: Gregory Hammond
Website: https://gregoryhammond.ca
Date completed: April 2023

Name: Fredrik Björeman
Website: https://www.bjoreman.com
Date completed: April 2023

Name: Ariq Naufal
Website: https://ariq.nauf.al
Date completed: March 2023

Name: Jw
Website: https://so1o.xyz
Date completed: February 2023

Name: Hyde Stevenson (x2)
Website: https://lazybear.io
Date completed: January 2023

Name: Dallin Crump
Website: https://dallincrump.com
Date completed: December 2022

Name: Bryce Wray
Website: https://www.brycewray.com
Date completed: December 2022

Name: m;bluelander
Website: https://bluelander.bearblog.dev
Date completed: July 2022

Name: Simon Sáfár
Website: https://simonsafar.com
Date completed: March 2022

Name: Dipo Dwijaya
Website: https://jagatsoker.blogspot.com (Indonesian 🇮🇩)
Date completed: February 2022

Name: Joel García
Website: https://joelchrono.xyz
Date completed: February 2022

Name: Greg Adams
Website: https://blazeorange.ninja
Date completed: January 2022

Name: Antje Kazimiers
Website: https://ntj.github.io
Date completed: January 2022

Name: Will Webberley
Website: https://wilw.dev
Date completed: December 2021

Name: Carsten Brüggenolte
Website: https://zn80.net
Date completed: July 2021

Name: Peter Babič
Website: https://peterbabic.dev
Date completed: June 2021

Name: Thomas Lloyd
Website: https://blog.grappling.ca
Date completed: April 2021

Name: Doug Belshaw
Website: https://dougbelshaw.com
Date completed: April 2021

Name: Thumb
Website: https://simbly.me
Date completed: April 2021

Name: Khürt Williams
Website: https://islandinthenet.com
Date completed: December 2020

Name: Mike Stone
Website: https://mikestone.me
Date completed: December 2020

Name: Jake Bauer
Website: https://www.paritybit.ca
Date completed: November 2020

Name: Ali Reza Hayati
Website: https://alirezahayati.com
Date completed: August 2020

Name: Basil
Website: https://trivial.observer
Date completed: August 2020

Name: Graham Williams
Website: https://blog.grayw.co.uk
Date completed: August 2020

Name: Horst Gutmann
Website: https://zerokspot.com
Date completed: August 2020

Name: Hyde Stevenson
Website: https://lazybear.io
Date completed: August 2020

Name: Robert Winter
Website: https://robert.winter.ink
Date completed: August 2020